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What's for Lunch?

Writer's picture: Amanda and JoshAmanda and Josh

Amanda here! If you've been reading/watching our blog for any amount of time you'll know that I'm the "skinny" half of the Skinny and Spice couple.

"Skinny" in a way that I am conscious of my health, I try to eat healthy and exercise on a daily basis. I am a firm believer in setting goals for yourself and working hard to reach them... and then once you've reached one goal, it's time to set another one!

I have had quite a few people ask me how I lose weight or stay fit... and my answer will never change:

Exercise and Eat Smart

I am not perfect... I don't always get my workouts in everyday and I definitely cheat on my "diet plan" but I am conscious of my daily choices so therefore I still get results.

I like to find a happy balance between living healthy and still enjoying life!

One of the greatest pieces of advice I can give is keeping your metabolism moving. You can do this by eating every 2-3 hours.

I know.... this sounds crazy. And trust me, as a Kindergarten teacher I can tell you from experience it isn't always easy at first. I had to start out by setting timers for myself and almost forcing myself to eat snacks even when I didn't necessarily feel hungry. But I can tell you that after a few weeks of staying diligent... now I could predict what time it is based on how hungry I feel. I've gotten it down to a science.

So tonight I wanted to share with you... what a day in the life of Amanda's lunchbox looks like :)

I am currently in the middle of Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession so I pre-measure all of my food and make sure I'm getting the correct Veggie/Fruit/Protein/Carb intake each day

6:00- Breakfast

9:00- Snack 1= Banana
11:00- Snack 2= Snack pack
1:00- Lunch + Zipfizz
3:00- Snack 3= Apple and Veggie Straws

5:30- Smoothie

6:00- Dinner

So this is what I generally pack for a day's worth of snacks and lunches

Inside the "Snack Pack": 1 serving of veggies, dressing/dip, 2 hard boiled eggs

I have found that if I pack ahead... I am guaranteed success. Because I get up so early in the morning- it is so nice to have the peace of mind knowing that all my food for the day is prepared and I won't have any "hangry" moments throughout the day :)

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